Chair Upholstery

Chair Upholstery

Chair Upholstery

Has your chair upholstery seen better days? If your seat leather has been peeling apart or your dog has been at your otherwise perfectly good sofa, don’t worry. Smart Choice Repair Center can bring them back to life! We provide massage chair repair and recliner repair in Stuart, FL and the surrounding areas, restoring your favorite spot to its former glory. We even provide car seat repair to give your car a refresh.

Thanks to our leather couch repair, we've given our clients a comfortable place to sit again. A chair is an essential part of any home interior, and the last thing you want is to give your guests an uncomfortable seat. Our expertise in chair upholstery extends from car seat repair to massage chair repair. When you think of recliner repair, Smart Choice Repair Center should be the first name that comes to mind in Stuart, FL.

Our Services

Furniture refinishing
Furniture Refinishing

Furniture Refinishing

Chair upholstery
Chair Upholstery

Chair Upholstery

Statue repair
Statue Repair

Statue Repair